Floorify Grote Tegel Click PVC Jellyfish F028
Floorify XL Plank Click PVC Seychelles F100
Floorify Long Plank Click PVC Latte F034
Floorify Herringbone Click PVC Hirame F300
Floorify Regal Click PVC Bunny F059
Floorify Plank Click PVC Cannelé F058
Floorify Plank Click PVC Waffle F057
Floorify Plank Click PVC Popcorn F056
Floorify Plank Click PVC Stonehenge F053
Floorify Plank Click PVC Coconut F051
Floorify Plank Click PVC Crémant F050
Floorify Small Tile Click PVC Etna F531
Floorify Small Tile Click PVC Ceppo F527
Floorify Small Tile Click PVC Oyster F515
Floorify Large Tile Click PVC Oyster F015
Floorify Gingerbread F026 Klick Vinyl Lange Planken
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Honey F025
Floorify Long Plank Click PVC Goose F036
Floorify Dolly F035 Klick Vinyl Lange Planken
Floorify Long Plank Click PVC Eivissa F033
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Croissant F007
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Whitsundays F003
Floorify Long Plank Click PVC Paris Tan F001
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Buying Floorify PVC flooring Is a great choice if you are looking for stylish, durable and maintenance-friendly floor. Here's how you can do this:
Selling point
Search no further, Solza has been an official dealer for years Floorify Flooring . Visit our showroom by appointment and view the floors in real life or simply order via our webshop.
How to choose
When choosing your Floorify PVC floor There are a number of factors to consider:
Style and color: Floorify floors are available in a range of designs that mimic the look of (oak) wood, concrete, natural stone and other materials. Choose a style and color that matches the decor of your home.
Size and shape: The floors come in a variety of sizes and shapes, including shelves and tiles, so choose the shape and size that best suits your space. For small spaces, choose small sizes and for large spaces we recommend large format PVC and laminate panels.
Price: Floorify PVC floors vary in price depending on the design, dimensions and other factors. Set your budget before you go shopping and follow the Deals page From floor store Solza.
Floorify PVC floors are relatively easy to install thanks to their click and laying technology. You can choose to do it yourself if you are handy, or you can hire a professional to do the installation. For questions also read Our blog for laying tips Or email our experts.
One of the great advantages of Floorify PVC flooring is that they are easy to maintain. They are water resistant and can be easily cleaned with a mop or vacuum cleaner.
Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Floorify
Was ist Floorify?
Floorify ist eine Marke, die innovative starre Vinylböden herstellt. Diese Böden kombinieren das warme Aussehen von Holz oder Stein mit den praktischen Vorteilen eines PVC-Bodens wie Wasserbeständigkeit, Kratzfestigkeit und einfache Pflege.
Was macht Floorify-Böden einzigartig?
Floorify zeichnet sich durch seine Rigid-Core-Technologie aus, die die Böden besonders stark und stabil macht. Sie sind wasserfest, schalldämmend und dank praktischem Klicksystem einfach selbst zu verlegen.
Welche Arten von Floorify-Böden gibt es?
Floorify bietet verschiedene Stile an, darunter Dielen in Holzoptik, Fliesenbegrenzungen und Fischgrätenmuster. Alle Varianten verfügen über eine matte Oberfläche und eine realistische Struktur.
Ist Floorify kratzfest?
Ja, dank der starken Deckschicht sind Floorify-Böden kratz- und verschleißfest. Sie sind widerstandsfähig gegen intensive Beanspruchung und für Haushalte mit Kindern und Haustieren geeignet.