Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR - 3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl
Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526 - Solza.nl

Floer Walvisgraat Plak PVC Bryde Bruin FLR-3526

Regular price €120,26
Sale price €120,26 Regular price €133,63
Unit price
Tax included.
Adviesverkoopprijs per m2 €39,95
Unser Preis pro m2
3.345 m2 pro Paket. Mindestabnahme 20m2.
UVP €39,95
Prijs per pak
3.345 m2 pro Paket
10% Schnittverlust berechnen?
Wie viele m2 benötigen Sie?
Preis: €35,95
Ersparnisse €4,00

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Plus- und Minuspunkte
Laut unseres Experten!

  • Ähnlich wie Fischgrätmuster, jedoch etwas länger und breiter. Dieser Boden wird daher manchmal XL Fischgrät Vinyl genannt.
  • MEGAMAT = revolutionär auf dem Markt. Der matte Vinyl Boden der Niederlande. Mit spürbar dezenter Holzstruktur, ganz wie echtes Eichenparkett.
  • Erfüllt alle wichtigen Anforderungen wie: CE, Green Gard, Green Gard Gold, Floor Score, Eurofins Gold, French A+, ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 und ist Phthalatfrei.
  • Klebe Vinyl ist im Allgemeinen etwas schwieriger zu installieren. Lesen Sie sich also unbedingt richtig ein oder lassen Sie dies einfach über unseren Montageservice in Auftrag geben.

Erhalten Sie schnell ein individuelles Angebot!

Möchten Sie sicher sein, dass Sie die richtigen Mengen bestellen und möchten, dass wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen einen Blick darauf werfen? Kein Problem. Fordern Sie ein völlig unverbindliches Angebot an und erhalten Sie es innerhalb von 24 Stunden!

Innerhalb von 24 Stunden in Ihrem Postfach - Individuelle Beratung - Völlig unverbindlich


The Floer Whalebone PVC Bryde Brown FLR-3526 is a fascinating floor with a warm character that gives any interior a major upgrade. The XL Herringbone pattern brings the floor to life! With this Floer Whalebone PVC Bryde Bruin you make your floor space a lot more dynamic, but at the same time it also radiates an oasis of peace. As a result, Whalebone is extremely popular today.

The Whalebone PVC Bryde Brown has a natural oiled look and is of a nice large size. This 91.40 cm long and 15.20 cm wide floor is extremely matt finished (MM / MegaMat) and has a visible and tactile wood structure. The few subtle knots give this an extra dimension.

Floer Walvisgraat PVC Bryde Bruin: super practical!

With a thermal resistance of only 0.015 m² K/W, you can be sure that your underfloor heating delivers maximum efficiency and has a fast operation. As a result, you will need little energy to heat up the floor. This is not only nice and practical but also incredibly affordable! The Bryde Brown Whalebone floor is therefore the ideal floor for underfloor heating.

With a real wooden floor you spend a lot of time on the maintenance and care of the floor. However, with this Whale Herringbone PVC from Floer you have a lot of ease of maintenance. With this Bryde Brown you do not spend time sanding or oiling, but you have more time to enjoy your beautiful floor. In addition, due to the water resistance, you do not have to worry about any water damage!

Prevent damage

To prevent this beautiful Floer XL herringbone floor Bryde Bruin from being damaged by dirt or sharp objects, it is important to take preventive measures. Our tips:

  • For example, place a cleaning mat at the entrance to collect dirt.
  • Regular vacuuming removes loose dirt and grains of sand.
  • By placing felts under furniture, you prevent scratches and scuffs.

With these simple steps, you'll maintain long-term durability and beauty.

The laying process of this Floer Bryde Brown

For a flawless installation of adhesive PVC floors such as this Floer Whalebone PVC Bryde Brown, we recommend leaving the complex laying process to Solza. Our experienced professionals ensure a perfect placement of the floor. You can also leave the necessary leveling preparation that is necessary to eliminate the unevenness to us. Rely on our expertise and enjoy a perfectly laid floor without any hassle.

Solza - Italy

In short, are you looking for a floor that:

  • Has a lot of efficiency with underfloor heating
  • A real eye-catcher is because of its warm color and its impressive whalebone pattern
  • Has an extremely matte wood look
  • Is fully water resistant
  • Very low maintenance

Then the Floer Whalebone PVC Bryde Brown is the floor you are looking for

Come to our showroom (preferably by appointment) and be inspired by our wide range of A-brand floors! Our employees are happy to provide you with appropriate advice so that you ultimately make the best floor choice. Of course you can also come here to admire the natural oiled look and the spectacular whalebone pattern of this Floer Whalebone PVC Bryde Brown. Contact us today!

*Die Mindestabnahmemenge für unsere Böden beträgt 20m2. Erfüllt die Bestellung diese Anforderung nicht? Es kann dann sein, dass wir einen Mindermengenzuschlag berechnen.

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