Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl
Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006 - Solza.nl

Floorify Lange Plank Click PVC Blush F006

Regular price €142,34
Sale price €142,34 Regular price
Unit price
Tax included.
Unser Preis pro m2
2.74 m2 pro Paket. Mindestabnahme 20m2.
Prijs per pak
2.74 m2 pro Paket
5% Schnittverlust berechnen?
Wie viele m2 benötigen Sie?
Preis: €51,95

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Plus- und Minuspunkte
Laut unseres Experten!

  • Floorify starre Vinylböden sind stoß- und schmutzabweisend. Mit einer extra dicken Schutzschicht, einer innovativen Deckschicht mit Anti-Flecken-Technologie und dem einzigartigen Floorify Rigid Core für einen stabilen, starken und robusten Kern.
  • Durch die clevere Kombination aus dem schallabsorbierenden Floorify-Hartvinylboden und der Comfort-Unterlage entsteht eine wunderbar weiche Trittfläche und eine Akustikschicht.
  • Floorify kann sowohl mit Fußbodenheizung als auch mit Bodenkühlung kombiniert werden.
  • Floorify-Böden sind nur in Klick-PVC erhältlich.

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Let your interior blush with warmth and charm with the Floorify Long Plank Click PVC Blush F006 ! Just like a blush on your cheeks creates a warm and vibrant look, this floor gives a similar effect to any space. The soft shades of this Floorify Blush F006 Stand beautiful in any kind of interior. After all, a wood look is timeless!

With its realistic wood grain structure, this floor will make you feel like you're walking on a beautiful, solid wood floor. The tactile texture adds an extra dimension to your interior experience, making the floor not only visually impressive but also feeling palpably luxurious.

Floorify Long Plank Click PVC Blush F006

Give your interior the look of Authentic wood While enjoying the practical benefits of PVC! This rigid Click PVC By Floorify is super maintenance-friendly and functional. For example, the floor is water and stain resistant. So should you spill your drink once, it will not cause any damage.

This floor is super good to use with underfloor heating. Both the Floorify Blush As the suitable subfloors of Floorify Namely have very good R values. If you really want to get the most out of your underfloor heating, we recommend choosing the Floorify Performance Underlay . This subfloor offers:

  • Heat resistance of only 0.0093 m² K/W (i. e. m. The floor 0.0239 m² K/W!)
  • Extra firmness
  • Maximum protection.

On the other hand, you can also choose the Floorify Comfort Underlay . This subfloor offers:

  • Maximum walking comfort due to the relatively soft material
  • 21 dB noise reduction according to European measurements
  • Heat resistance of 0.052 m² K/W.

Both underfloors provide good protection and maintain the warranty on the Floorify Blush itself. These underfloors will take all the blows, so if you drop some heavy your floor will remain intact!

Easy to lay

With the convenient click system, the installation is a breeze. No fuss with glue or intricate techniques-you can effortlessly snap the shelves together and quickly transform your space. And if you ever decide to redecorate your interior, you can easily take the floor and reinstall it. This makes it a durable and above all flexible choice.

If you prefer to have the floor installed by professionals, you can use our Laying service .


This Floorify Blush F006 creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere that will light up your interior with its radiant warmth. So, let your space blush with coziness and embrace the warm embrace of this enchanting floor!

Questions about this Floorify Blush, or perhaps about other matters? Take Contact With us on! Our expert and friendly staff will be happy to help you. You are also very welcome in our Showroom (Preferably by appointment). Here you can admire a large number of different floors. Get inspired!

*Die Mindestabnahmemenge für unsere Böden beträgt 20m2. Erfüllt die Bestellung diese Anforderung nicht? Es kann dann sein, dass wir einen Mindermengenzuschlag berechnen.

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