Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -
Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC -

Vivafloors Whalebone 7870 Paste PVC

Regular price €130,09
Sale price €130,09 Regular price €146,79
Unit price
Tax included.
Adviesverkoopprijs per m2 €43,95
Unser Preis pro m2
3.34 m2 pro Paket. Mindestabnahme 20m2.
UVP €43,95
Prijs per pak
3.34 m2 pro Paket
15% Schnittverlust berechnen?
Wie viele m2 benötigen Sie?
Preis: €38,95
Ersparnisse €5,00

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Plus- und Minuspunkte
Laut unseres Experten!

  • Fischgrätböden haben das gleiche Muster wie Fischgrätböden, nur Fischgrätböden haben längere Dielen. Das sorgt für mehr Ruhe im Raum. Dies gilt auch für die Fischbeinböden von Vivafloors.
  • Hygiene hat oberste Priorität und die Walvisbone 7870 Paste PVC erfüllt diese Anforderung. Leicht zu reinigen und zu pflegen, genießen Sie ein sauberes und gesundes Wohnumfeld.
  • Keine Erfahrung damit, PVC-Böden selbst zu verlegen? Überlassen Sie die Verlegung des Bodens unserem erfahrenen Verlegeservice! Wie einfach!
  • Das Verlegen einer PVC-Bodenplatte ist nicht für jeden einfach. Behalten Sie dies also im Hinterkopf und geben Sie die Verlegung eventuell an Profis weiter.

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Möchten Sie sicher sein, dass Sie die richtigen Mengen bestellen und möchten, dass wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen einen Blick darauf werfen? Kein Problem. Fordern Sie ein völlig unverbindliches Angebot an und erhalten Sie es innerhalb von 24 Stunden!

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If you are looking for a floor that is not only easy to install, but also durable and stylish, the Vivafloors Whalebone 7870 Paste PVC is the perfect choice for you. With this high-quality PVC material, you can easily transform any room into a modern and atmospheric environment.

High quality and durability

This PVC floor is manufactured by the well-known brand Vivafloors, which stands for quality and durability. The material is made of 2.5 mm thick PVC, which ensures a sturdy base that can withstand intensive use. In addition, the manufacturer's warranty of 25 years offers you extra certainty about the durability of this floor.

Easy to install and maintain

One of the advantages of this paste PVC floor is its relatively easy installation. Although this requires a lot of skill, you can lay this floor yourself if you have the time and inclination. If you have no experience with laying PVC floors, you can better have the floor installed by our experienced laying service. This way you are assured of a perfect result.

Not only the laying of the floor is relatively easy, its maintenance also requires little effort. Thanks to the special Wood Touch finish, the floor is easy to clean and maintain. As a result, you always enjoy a clean and healthy living environment, which is especially important in these times.


The Vivafloors Whalebone 7870 Paste PVC is a beautiful floor that can be combined well with different types of skirting boards. In general, people choose to use a high white plinth. The dimensions of the skirting boards that best suit this floor are 90x12mm or 70x12mm. The most commonly chosen color for the skirting boards is RAL9010. This color forms a beautiful and neutral combination with the floor, giving the room a fresh look.

Showroom at Solza in Alphen aan den Rijn

If you want to see the Vivafloors Walvisgraat 7870 Plak PVC floor in real life before you purchase it, we recommend that you visit the showroom of flooring shop Solza in Alphen aan den Rijn. In the showroom you can view the floor at your leisure and experience how it looks and feels. Solza's expert staff is ready to answer all your questions and provide you with tailor-made advice. This way you can be sure that you are making the right choice for your interior.

Have the floor laid with the Solza laying service

At Solza you have the possibility to have the Vivafloors Whalebone 7870 Paste PVC floor professionally installed using the Solza laying service. Our experienced team of craftsmen ensures that the floor is installed correctly, so that you can enjoy a perfectly laid floor for years to come. By using our laying service you not only save time and effort, but you are also assured of an excellent result. Neem contact op met Solza

*Die Mindestabnahmemenge für unsere Böden beträgt 20m2. Erfüllt die Bestellung diese Anforderung nicht? Es kann dann sein, dass wir einen Mindermengenzuschlag berechnen.

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