Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl
Floorify Visgraat Click PVC Buri F306 - Solza.nl

Floorify Herringbone Click PVC Buri F306

Regular price €130,38
Sale price €130,38 Regular price
Unit price
Tax included.
Unser Preis pro m2
2.25 m2 pro Paket. Mindestabnahme 20m2.
Prijs per pak
2.25 m2 pro Paket
15% Schnittverlust berechnen?
Wie viele m2 benötigen Sie?
Preis: €57,95

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Plus- und Minuspunkte
Laut unseres Experten!

  • Floorify starre Vinylböden sind stoß- und schmutzabweisend. Mit einer extra dicken Schutzschicht, einer innovativen Deckschicht mit Anti-Flecken-Technologie und dem einzigartigen Floorify Rigid Core für einen stabilen, starken und robusten Kern.
  • Durch die clevere Kombination aus dem schallabsorbierenden Floorify-Hartvinylboden und der Comfort-Unterlage entsteht eine wunderbar weiche Trittfläche und eine Akustikschicht.
  • Floorify kann sowohl mit Fußbodenheizung als auch mit Bodenkühlung kombiniert werden.
  • Floorify-Böden sind nur in Klick-PVC erhältlich.

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With the rigid click PVC of Floorify you can never go wrong. With the Floorify Herringbone Click PVC Buri F306 you choose a highly functional quality floor with the best looks. Herringbone flooring is currently extremely popular, and for good reason. The playful character in combination with the luxurious appearance makes it a pleasure for any home.

This Floorify Buri F306 has the color and matte shine of a real wooden floor. This Floorify Herringbone PVC therefore radiates heat and also looks beautiful in any type of interior. The dimensions per herringbone board are 75 cm by 12.50 cm with a thickness of 0.45 cm.

Are you still hesitating between herringbone or normal boards, but is the color scheme exactly what you are looking for? Then take a look at the Lange Planken variant:

Floorify Visgraat click PVC Buri F306

This Floorify Buri is a click PVC floor, which means that it is not only a beautiful but also a very practical floor. The floor is completely water resistant! This allows you to enjoy this Floorify Buri in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

In addition, the floor can be used very well with underfloor heating due to the low heat resistance. With this Herringbone PVC you will really feel like a fish in water.

The Floorify Buri also has a very high shock resistance. Every blow will be absorbed by the subfloor. So there is nothing wrong if you drop something heavy. This rigid click PVC can handle it. Due to the almost seamless surface and the stain and water resistance of this floor, it is also easy to clean. Nice and practical!

Simply order a sample!

Easy to install (or have installed)

Floorify has made such handy click connections that anyone could lay this floor themselves. Since you don't have to level (unless you have large bumps), you can always install this floor. Super handy for renovations! Do you want us to lay this Floorify Herringbone? Then choose our laying service.

The right subfloor for this Floorify Buri

Herringbone floors have a lot more click connections than other types of flooring. It is therefore so important that you have a good protective subfloor. We therefore only recommend the extra sturdy Floorify Performance Underlay. By choosing this floorify subfloor, you retain the warranty on the floor and you have maximum protection.

Moreover, this subfloor only has a thermal resistance of 0.0093 m2 K/W! Your subfloor will therefore not only offer the maximum protection, but also the best efficiency with your underfloor heating. Combined with the Floorify Buri, this is 0.0239 m2 P/W, which is comparable to the R-value of paste PVC floors!

Always the right choice

With this Herringbone PVC from Floorify you can hardly make the wrong choice. However, we think it is important that you also find this. Our experts are happy to help you! You are therefore always welcome in our showroom in Alphen aan den Rijn, so that you can see this floor in real life. Of course you can also contact contact by telephone.

*Die Mindestabnahmemenge für unsere Böden beträgt 20m2. Erfüllt die Bestellung diese Anforderung nicht? Es kann dann sein, dass wir einen Mindermengenzuschlag berechnen.

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