In both offices, living kitchens and living rooms, more and more often dive Akupanel wall panels On. You know them, those narrow vertical slats with black felt in between. The Akupanel trend seems unstoppable. It's not that crazy either, these wall panels provide pleasant acoustics, are easy to assemble and have a warm look. There are many kinds on the market, in this blog we give you tips you should pay attention to when buying Akupanel wall parts . This way you are well aware of differences and details.
Tip 1-You have material and you have material
Akupanel comics In most cases are carried out in wood. That gives your wall a warm, natural look. Both walnut, mahogany, oak and ash wood are popular woods. Check carefully what wood series have been used, completely nit-free, noestarm or dustful. Within the plastic panels in black or concrete look gray we also see a lot of difference in color nuance and shine/dullness.
Tip 2-Keep a size
Akupanels are available in both 2.60 meters and 3 meters in length. But also pay attention to the width of the panels, the thickness of the felt, and also the size of the slats make the difference. The thicker the slats, the greater the 3d effect. The width of the slats can also be different. Be sure to also pay attention to the size of the space between the slats. A right ratio makes or cracks your Wall covering . If you want to make a wall higher than 3 meters, let the panels jump, preferably a little further out of the middle, for example, always make a seam at 3 and 2 meters with a 5 meter wall.
Tip 3-Assembly
Of course, you prefer to mount Akupanel panels invisibly. Nothing is more disturbing than visible screws in such a beautiful wall. With the attachment with sealant directly on the wall, the nailing on a wooden plate or screws with black screws on a stone wall you can keep the mounting of these wall panels beautifully invisible. The panels themselves are easy to shorten vertically with a box cutter by cutting off the felt. In length, you can trim the panels with a saw. Try to make your design walls so that you do not have to cut the slats yourself in length, this bothers in sight and is a precision work. You can then play better with the shortening of the black felt. Different mounting tips apply for each brand or type, read them before you start installing the Akupanel wall panels. Earlier we wrote a handy Manual for mounting Akupanel wall panels .
Tip 4-Taste first, then buy
Ask at Akupanel wall strips Always have a sample first if you still have doubts about the color or quality. This way, you can be sure you don't buy a cat in the bag and avoid hassle with returns. Bee You can easily request trial samples from both all Wooden akupanel shelves As the Plastic lino profiles . You will generally have these in your home within 1 to 2 working days in a handy mailbox box. Read more about our here Sample samples . In addition, it is also possible to visit the brand new showroom in Alphen aan den Rijn . We have also incorporated Akupanel wall panels in the showroom. This way you can first look at the panels in real life and get free advice.